Yellowjackets vs. Paper Wasps: What Every Provo Homeowner Should Know

yellowjacket vs paper wasp

As a homeowner in Provo, you’ve likely noticed buzzing insects around your yard or home, especially when attending events like the Sunset Farmers Market, happening every Wednesday from July to October at Orem City Center Park, or enjoying a day at Utah Lake State Park. Two of the most common stingers you’ll encounter are yellowjackets and paper wasps. While they may seem similar, knowing the differences is crucial to protecting your home and family from stings, especially during these local events and outdoor activities.

Yellowjackets vs. Paper Wasps: What's the Difference?

Before you grab the bug spray or run for cover, let’s break down what makes these two types of wasps unique. They might both be stinging insects, but their behaviors, looks, and how they interact with us in Provo can be quite different.

Meet the Yellowjackets: Aggressive and Bold

Yellowjackets are those bold little guys who seem to have no problem crashing your picnic or backyard BBQ. They have that classic black and bright yellow striped body, making them easy to confuse with bees—but don’t be fooled. Unlike bees, yellowjackets can sting you multiple times, which isn’t great news if you’re allergic.



What makes yellowjackets tricky in Provo is their love for human food. Sugary drinks, meats, or even your pet’s food—yellowjackets want in on all of it. Their nests are usually hidden in hard-to-spot places like underground, wall cavities, or in your attic. If you accidentally disturb one of their nests, they will fiercely defend it, and that’s when things can get dangerous.

Paper Wasps: More Chill, But Still Stingers

On the flip side, we have paper wasps. These wasps are generally calmer than their yellowjacket cousins and look a little different too. While they still have black and yellow markings, they’re a bit more slender, with long legs that dangle when they fly.


One big plus for paper wasps is that they help pollinate plants and hunt pest insects, making them beneficial to your garden. They tend to build umbrella-shaped nests under eaves or in trees, and while they will defend their nests if threatened, they’re not as aggressive as yellowjackets. Think of them as the “live and let live” type unless you get too close to their home.

Key Differences Every Provo Homeowner Should Know

Knowing how to spot yellowjackets vs. paper wasps can help you avoid unnecessary stings or damage to your property. Let’s break it down:



Where They Nest:


    • Yellowjackets: Hide their nests underground, inside walls, or in attics—often out of sight until it’s too late.
    • Paper Wasps: Build open, visible nests that look like umbrellas hanging from your eaves, trees, or porch ceilings.



Aggression Levels:


      • Yellowjackets: They are more aggressive and will sting multiple times if provoked.
      • Paper Wasps: Less aggressive and usually avoid humans unless their nest is directly threatened.




        • Yellowjackets: Love scavenging for human food, which is why they’re always around during summer barbecues.
        • Paper Wasps: Prefer nectar and pests like caterpillars, which help keep your garden healthy.


Threat Level:


          • Yellowjackets: Pose a higher threat because of their aggressiveness and ability to sting repeatedly.
          • Paper Wasps: While they can sting, they’re not as dangerous unless directly provoked.

How to Keep Yellowjackets and Paper Wasps Away from Your Provo Home

Dealing with stinging insects is no fun, but a few simple steps can go a long way in preventing wasp infestation 

Seal Entry Points:


Yellowjackets love sneaking into hidden areas like wall voids and attics. Inspect your home for gaps or cracks where they could get in, and seal them up.

Remove Food Sources

 Whether it’s pet food, sugary drinks, or open trash, try to keep anything that might attract yellowjackets covered and away from gathering areas.

Check for Early Nests

Take a walk around your property in early spring and check for the beginnings of paper wasp nests. If you catch them early, they’re easier to remove.

What to Do If You Find a Nest

If you come across a yellowjacket or paper wasp nest, the best thing to do is stay calm and avoid disturbing it. Remember, yellowjackets can be extremely aggressive if they feel threatened. Attempting to deal with a nest on your own could result in painful stings, especially with yellowjackets.


For most homeowners, calling in a professional pest control company is the safest option. In Provo, pest control experts can safely remove these nests and help prevent them from returning.

When to Call a Professional

If you’ve got a large yellowjacket or paper wasp problem—or if the nest is in a hard-to-reach place like inside your walls or high up under your roof—don’t try to handle it yourself. Professional pest control services in Provo have the tools and experience to get rid of these stinging pests safely. Plus, they can help you keep them from coming back.

Final Thoughts: Keeping Your Provo Home Safe From Wasps

Living in Provo, dealing with yellowjackets and paper wasps is just part of life, but you don’t have to live in fear of these stinging insects. Knowing the difference between yellowjackets and paper wasps—and how to handle them—can help you keep your home and yard safe all year long.

If you’re worried about stinging insects or need help with wasp nest removal, don’t hesitate to reach out to a trusted wasp exterminator or pest control professional in Provo. With their help, you can enjoy your backyard BBQs and family gatherings without any unwanted buzzing guests.