5 Plants That Keep Pests Away From Your Provo Home


Living in Provo or the surrounding areas brings the beauty of nature close to home. Provo, nestled between Orem and Springville, is rich in history and natural beauty. It’s known for its pivotal role in technology development and as the home to Brigham Young University. However, it connects you with the splendor of the natural world and presents the challenge of dealing with pests. Before considering chemical warfare, why not turn to nature’s solutions? Certain plants have developed remarkable abilities to repel pests naturally.

Let’s explore five plants that can naturally protect your home from pests. These botanical defenders will be showcased at the upcoming Provo Home Show on April 19th, 2024, which will be held in Utah Valley Convention Center. There, you can learn more about integrating them into your living space for a pest-resistant environment.

Lavender: The Elegant Guard

Lavender is known for its pleasant scent and its ability to keep pests away. This plant contains linalool, a natural substance that many insects dislike. Placing lavender plants around your home creates a natural barrier that repels moths, fleas, flies, and mosquitoes. Lavender is easy to grow and can be used in various ways, such as dried to protect clothes from moths or as an oil in diffusers to keep insects out. It’s a simple yet sophisticated solution for a pest-free home.



Basil: The Culinary Shield

Basil isn’t just a culinary delight; it’s a natural guardian against pests. Its leaves are rich in essential oils like linalool and estragole, which emit a scent that’s delightful to us but detested by insects such as flies and mosquitoes.

But basil’s benefits extend beyond repelling these common pests. It is also serves as ant control as it discourages ants and can safeguard your vegetable garden from insects, including flea beetles and cabbage webworms. Integrating basil into your garden creates a symbiotic defense that enhances biodiversity.

Embracing basil is about more than pest control; it’s about adopting a natural, chemical-free approach to protect your living spaces. Whether it’s a potted plant by your window or interspersed within your garden, basil adds beauty and functionality. Even basil cuttings or dried leaves mixed into the soil can continue to deter pests.

Basil’s advantages don’t end there. It’s also a source of phytochemicals like eugenol, which offer antibacterial and antifungal benefits, adding an extra layer of protection against plant diseases. This showcases the strength of natural solutions and positions basil as a sustainable alternative and prevent harmful effect of pesticides to environment. 

Mint: The Refreshing Repellent

Mint is great for mojitos and also for its insect-repelling properties. Its strong aroma serves as a natural deterrent to common garden pests. The scent of menthol, mint’s active component, keeps away ants, rodents, and other pests. However, be cautious with its placement, as mint can be invasive. Container planting is recommended to prevent it from overtaking your garden.

Growing mint helps more than just pest control. Mint also attracts pollinators like bees and butterflies. Their visit to your garden helps plants grow. It is also easy to grow and can handle different weather and soil types, making your garden lively and healthy.

Rosemary: The Rustic Repellant

Rosemary’s woody scent is more than just a flavor enhancer for your dishes. It contains compounds like camphor and cineole, which have been found to repel various insects. Planting rosemary can help protect your vegetable garden from infestation and your home from unwanted pests.


Rosemary, known for its distinctive fragrance and flavor, is a natural insect repellent. Its compounds, camphor, and cineole, are unwelcome to many garden pests. Planting rosemary can protect your garden and home from invasions by these unwanted guests.


This hardy plant is easy to grow and thrives in various conditions. It’s resilient against cold winters and prefers dry, rocky soils, making it ideal for coastal areas or dry climates. Rosemary’s love for the salty sea air makes it a perfect match for seaside gardens.


But rosemary’s benefits extend into the kitchen and beyond. It’s a culinary favorite, adding depth to dishes like roasted meats and vegetables, and it’s a staple in Mediterranean cuisine. Its leaves, both fresh and dried, infuse dishes with an aromatic and savory flavor.


In addition to its culinary uses, rosemary is celebrated for its medicinal properties. Studies suggest it can improve memory, boost the immune system, and relieve muscle pain. Its antioxidant properties make it a valuable herb for overall wellness.

Marigolds: The Lively Protectors of Your Garden

Marigolds are a gardener’s best friend, offering a kaleidoscope of color and a host of benefits to any garden. These vibrant flowers are aesthetically pleasing and serve as a natural line of defense against various garden pests. Rich in pyrethrin, marigolds are nature’s insect repellent, effectively warding off mosquitoes and aphids without harsh chemicals.


These hardy blooms are also known to attract bees and other pollinators, essential for the health and productivity of your garden. They also protect tomato plants from nematodes and other harmful pests, making them an ideal companion plant. Moreover, marigolds have been found to improve soil health by deterring harmful nematodes and enhancing soil structure. 


In addition to their pest-repelling capabilities, marigolds are low maintenance and thrive in full sunlight, making them a practical choice for both novice and experienced gardeners. They can also be used as a trap crop, luring pests away from more vulnerable plants. With their edible petals, marigolds can contribute to your culinary creations, adding color and flavor to salads and other dishes.

While the natural defenses of lavender, basil, mint, and rosemary can provide significant protection against pests, Serve Pest Control stands ready to assist Provo residents when these measures are insufficient. For larger infestations, Serve Pest Control offers a comprehensive approach that combines the effectiveness of these plants with their expert services to ensure your home remains a pest-free sanctuary. Their team of experienced technicians is equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to tackle any pest challenge, big or small. By choosing Serve Pest Control, you’re getting immediate relief from pests and a long-term partnership for a peaceful and protected home environment. Remember, when nature’s guard falls short, Serve Pest Control provides the shield you need.