
spider pest control in utah

Spiders are a common sight in our yards and favored by gardeners and farmers. They are an important link in the ecosystem, helping to control garden pests like aphids and dangerous pests like mosquitoes. A type of arachnid, spiders have eight legs, two body parts, and lack wings and antennae. Spiders produce venom that they use to hunt prey and silk to create webs, use as a tether, or to line their burrows with. When spiders are outside and away from our homes, they are no bother. However, when they move inside either while following prey or searching for a secluded place to lay their eggs, they are unwelcome visitors.


The good news is that the spiders we often see during the day in our gardens are usually harmless to us. Wolf spiders and hobo spiders are examples of spiders we may run into but won’t cause us any problems. It is typically the spiders hiding well out of sight that we need to worry about. Spiders like the black widow and brown recluse hide within the clutter found in our yards, garages, sheds, and basements. When people accidentally brush past or place their hands on these spiders, they sometimes react by biting to protect themselves. The venom that they use to capture prey is strong enough to trigger health problems in people. Dangerous spiders are a problem on our properties, and as soon as you notice their presence, you should contact a professional to safely remove them.


If dangerous or nuisance spiders ever become a problem on your property, the professionals at Serve can help. We will put into place a pest control program that will provide year-round relief. In addition, the following prevention tips can help you protect your yard and home from spiders:

How to get rid guide?

Remove debris and clutter from your yard and home where spiders can hide.


Cut back overgrown trees, shrubs, and bushes from your home’s exterior, so spiders aren’t living right next it.


Ensure window and door screens are intact, place weatherstripping around doors, and seal cracks in the exterior of your home.


Keep outdoor lights that attract insects to your home off as much as possible, or switch out white outdoor lights for yellow or LED lights that are less attractive to the insects spiders are hunting. The more insect activity you have near your home, the more problems with spiders you will have.