Bed Bug Exterminator and Bed Bug Removal Service

Eliminate Bed Bug Problems Today with Provo’s Premier Extermination Services


100% Satisfaction


Stop and prevent bed bugs from invading your home.

Bed bugs are tiny, parasitic insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. These pests are notorious for their resilience and ability to infest homes, hotels, and other living spaces. Here’s why homeowners should promptly address a bed bug infestation:



Health Risks from Bites

Bed bugs are known for their bites, which can cause discomfort, itching, and, in some cases, allergic reactions. While bed bugs are not known to transmit diseases, their bites can lead to secondary infections from scratching.



Sleep deprivation

A severe bed bug infestation can cause sleep deprivation due to constant bites and itching, leading to physical and mental exhaustion.


5.0 star rating from 170+ happy customers

Provo's Premier Bed Bug Control and Removal Service

Are You Prepared for a Bed Bug-Free Home?

At Serve Pest Control, we specialize in creating bed bug-free environments. Our experienced team employs the latest methods and equipment to ensure thorough and effective bed bug removal. We understand the importance of a pest-free home and dedicate ourselves to providing reliable solutions that keep your living space safe and comfortable.

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How We Do It?

Our Bed Bug Extermination Process


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Comprehensive Bed Bug Inspection

At Serve Pest Control, we pride ourselves on providing thorough and effective bed bug inspection services. Our detailed process ensures that every corner of your home is scrutinized for these elusive pests.

How Serve Pest Control Conducts a Comprehensive Bed Bug Inspection

1. Initial Consultation: Our inspection process begins with an in-depth consultation. We discuss any signs of bed bug activity you may have noticed, including bites, sightings, or unusual marks on your bedding. This helps us understand the severity and scope of the potential infestation.

2. Detailed Visual Inspection: Our trained technicians perform a meticulous visual inspection of your home. Key areas of focus include:

  • Mattresses and Bed Frames: Bed bugs often hide in seams, tufts, and crevices.
  • Furniture: We carefully examine sofas, chairs, and other upholstered items.
  • Cracks and Crevices: Common hiding spots include baseboards, electrical outlets, and wall voids.
  • Luggage and Personal Items: Bed bugs can hitchhike into your home via luggage and other personal belongings.

Bed Bug Treatment & Removal

Getting rid of bed bugs can be challenging because adult bugs and their eggs need different treatments. At Serve Pest Control, we ensure complete elimination of bed bugs while keeping your family and pets safe. Here’s what to expect on treatment day:



  1. Convenient Scheduling: Our technicians arrive at a time that suits you.
  3. Targeted Treatment: We apply treatments to infested areas to eradicate bed bugs.
  5. Follow-Up Visits: Severe infestations may require multiple treatments.
  7. Effective Solutions: We use advanced treatments to eliminate all bed bugs and their eggs.

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Bed Bug Prevention

At Serve Pest Control, we aim not only to eliminate current bed bugs but also to prevent their return. Our comprehensive bed bug prevention strategy ensures your home remains protected. Here’s how we achieve that:

  1. Preventative Treatments: We apply specialized treatments to prevent bed bugs from infesting your furniture and home.
  1. Expert Recommendations: Our technicians offer practical advice to minimize the risk of future infestations.
  1. Regular Maintenance: We schedule follow-up treatments to ensure long-term protection.

5.0 star rating from 170+ happy customers

Bed Bugs in Provo and Surrounding Areas

Bed bugs are a persistent issue in Provo and nearby regions. Contrary to common belief, they can infest any home, regardless of cleanliness or economic status. These pests often hitchhike via public transport or shared spaces or can be inadvertently brought home from travels or acquiring secondhand furniture. Being aware and taking preventive measures are crucial to managing bed bug infestations effectively in these areas.

5.0 star rating from 170+ happy customers


100% Service Guarantee!

At Serve Pest Control, your satisfaction is our top priority. We stand behind our bed bug removal services with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you experience any recurrence of bed bugs within the specified period, we promise to promptly re-treat your property at no additional cost to ensure your complete satisfaction.

Safe Treatments for Families and Pets

At Serve Pest Control, we prioritize your family's safety, including pets. Our eco-friendly treatments for bed bugs are gentle yet effective. Using non-toxic methods, we eliminate bed bug threats while safeguarding your household. Trust our dedicated team to handle your pest concerns with care and respect for everyone's well-being.

Round-the-Clock Bed Bug Treatment Service

We offer 24/7 bed bug treatment services to protect your home from these pests. Whether it's an emergency or routine maintenance, our team is dedicated to keeping your environment free from bed bugs day and night.

5.0 star rating from 170+ happy customers

Personalized Bed Bug Management by Serve Pest Control

At Serve Pest Control, we specialize in effective bed bug removal and prevention strategies tailored to your home. We educate clients on bed bug behavior, risks, and proactive prevention measures. Our customized plans fortify your residence against bed bugs, ensuring a secure, pest-free environment. Trust Serve Pest Control for targeted solutions that effectively meet your specific needs and eliminate bed bugs.

5.0 star rating from 170+ happy customers

serve pest control utah
Pest control in Provo Utah

Ready to Say Goodbye to Bed Bugs in Your Home?

Are you ready to enjoy a bed bug-free environment? Contact Serve Pest Control today and let us handle your bed bug concerns. Rest assured that your home will be in expert hands with our top-notch pest management services.

5.0 star rating from 170+ happy customers

Discover Why Provo Residents Trust Us


The product is safe for my pets and kids, and if bugs by chance return, they’ll come sprayed again for free.

George Perkins

Provo, Utah


Excellent customer service. I definitely recommend it if you’re looking for an honest, local-owned pest control company.

Kalli Baker

Provo, Utah


I don’t see any more mosquitoes in the yard, and absolutely no spiders in our house! So pleased with this service and wish we had done it sooner. THANK YOU!

Matthew Ryan

Provo, Utah

5.0 star rating from 170+ happy customers

100% Guaranteed Safe and Effective

pest-free family in utah

At Serve Pest Control, we are committed to providing effective and environmentally friendly pest control solutions for your home and business. Our team of highly trained and certified technicians is dedicated to delivering professional service at all times. We prioritize your safety, ensuring our products and treatments are safe for your family and pets. We strive to exceed your expectations and work diligently to earn your trust. Your satisfaction is our success.


We take pride in offering comprehensive pest prevention and elimination services to our valued friends and neighbors in and around Provo. Our team, equipped with expertise, stands ready to assist you with all your pest eradication needs.

Jack Thomson

Founder & CEO

Frequently Asked Questions

Signs of bed bugs include:

While DIY methods like vacuuming and laundering can help reduce bed bug populations, complete elimination usually requires professional pest control services. DIY treatments may not reach hidden bed bugs or their eggs.

The time it takes to eliminate bed bugs depends on the severity of the infestation and the treatment methods used. Complete eradication may take several weeks to months, especially in severe cases.

Bed bugs can enter homes through infested furniture, luggage, clothing, or used beds. They can also travel between apartments in multi-unit buildings.

Why wait any Longer?

Contact us today to get a free and painless quote.

5.0 star rating from 170+ happy customers