Occasional Invaders

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Black beetles, box elder bugs, centipedes, and millipedes are all examples of occasional invaders that live throughout Serve. These pests complete their life cycle outside but occasionally find their way into homes, garages, and other man-made structures. The main reason these insects move inside is to escape harsh weather. During periods of heavy rain, cold weather, or hot and dry weather, they will migrate indoors to seek refuge within our home’s walls.


You may be asking yourself, “how do these creatures find their way into our homes?” This is a good question, and the answer is simple: these pests live outside but in areas close to the exterior of our homes. Gardens, flowerbeds, trees, the soil under trash cans, landscaping ties, and woodpiles are often home to these pests. Their proximity to our homes makes it easy for them to exploit openings in exterior walls and the foundation. Once inside, they move to dark, secluded areas that offer them warmth and humidity, such as attics, basements, and crawlspaces are common hideouts for occasional invaders. The best way to keep occasional invaders out of your house is to be proactive and put in place a year-round pest control program that will provide a barrier of protection around your home!


If occasional invaders ever become a problem on your property, the professionals at Serve can help. We will put in place a pest control program that will provide year-round relief. In addition, the following prevention tips can help you protect your yard and home from occasional invaders:

How to get rid guide?

Rake back damp mulch, leaves, and other debris from your home’s foundation. Maintain gardens and flowerbeds, and don’t let them overgrow.


Inspect your house for cracks or other openings that could act as entry points for these pests, and pay special attention to entry points near the ground and around windows and doors.


Place woodpiles, trash cans, and recycling bins back away from the outside of your home to stop occasional invaders from gathering underneath them.


Use dehumidifiers to reduce humidity levels in your home that attract occasional invaders.