What Do Ants Eat?

ants eating in utah

Imagine this: It’s a sunny afternoon in Utah, and you enjoy a quiet moment in your backyard. Suddenly, you notice a line of ants marching towards a tiny piece of bread you dropped during lunch. You wonder, “What do ants eat?”


Ants, with over 10,000 species worldwide, are opportunistic feeders. They can eat just about anything, from sugary nectar that plants make to seeds, corn, grains, and leaves. Some ants, like the carpenter ants, are known to eat termites and the flesh of other dead insects.

Utah’s semi-arid, dry climate makes it an ideal ecosystem for ants. Studies show that there are close to 90 ant varieties in Utah. They can thrive on most food items; therefore, they may infest any home or surrounding area that gives them access to sustenance.

What Ants Love to Feast On?

From sweet nectars to savory insect prey, ants have a wide range of food sources they love to feast on. The following are specific types of foods that attract ants:


Sugary Treats: Ants are known for their affinity for sugar. They are particularly drawn to sweet substances such as honey, maple, jam, white sugar, fruit juices, nectar, or candy. 

If you find trails of ants leading to your pantry, chances are you’re dealing with Argentine ants, notorious for their sweet tooth. These guys love sugary spills, crumbs, and even the nectar in your hummingbird feeder.

Protein-Rich Morsels: Ants also crave protein for their balanced diet. They feed on other insects (including those many times their weight), fruits and vegetables, human garbage, and meat from carcasses of animals. Some ants, like bullet ants, sip sweet nectar and bite into protein-rich, meaty prey – whether it’s a caterpillar or a liquefying insect corpse.

 Carpenter ants, with their formidable mandibles, prefer wood and the insects that live within it. Finding sawdust piles or damaged wood structures could be a sign of these wood-loving munchers.

Honeydew from Aphids: Ants have a special symbiotic relationship with aphids. They ‘farm’ aphids for their honeydew excretions, a sugary substance that serves as a gourmet delight for ants. In return, they offer protection to the aphid colony from predators.

Fats and Oils: Ants are attracted to fats and oils. Argentine ants, for instance, have a diverse diet that includes sweets, oils, and fats. They eat various foods, such as sugary substances, dead insects, and even small animals.

With their (aptly named) pungent odor, odorous house ants are drawn to greasy foods and decaying organic matter. They might be the culprits behind your compost pile’s dwindling contents.

Fungi and Mold: Certain ant species actively cultivate fungus, much like humans farm crops as a food source. For example, leafcutter ants use leaves to cultivate a special fungus, their primary food source. This fascinating symbiotic relationship highlights the complexity of ant dietary habits.

Ant Behavior and Communication

Ants are like little architects, creating organized communities where everyone has a job. These tiny insects communicate using special smells called pheromones. It’s like leaving a note for others by releasing scents. They use this method to find food, mark paths and warn about dangers.


Each ant, like workers and soldiers, has a specific role in their colonies. Even the queen has a job – to lay eggs and keep the colony growing. It’s teamwork at its finest! Ants are smart problem-solvers, adapting to challenges in their environment.


Ants don’t just talk with smells; they also touch each other with their antennae, like a friendly handshake. They even create vibrations and make sounds to communicate.

Understanding how ants behave is interesting and helps with pest control. By knowing how they talk and work together, experts can find better ways to manage ant invasions and keep them from bothering us. So, the next time you see ants at work, remember it’s like watching a tiny community bustling with teamwork and communication.

Ant Infestation in Utah Homes

Most ants found in Utah are foragers. They search for food and water to bring back to the established colony. When ants locate a food supply, they lay down an odor trail back to the nest so others can find it.


The most common ants in Utah homes are pavement ants and carpenter ants. They can be found all year long, and although most species don’t bite or sting, they can carry disease and/or contaminate food in your home.

Prevention and Control of Ant Infestation

Prevention is key when it comes to ant infestations. Here are some tips to prevent an ant infestation in your home:


-Clean up food and liquid spillages immediately.


-Sweep up any food crumbs from under your kitchen appliances and units.


-Store food in airtight containers wherever possible.


-Block off entry points for ants by sealing all cracks and crevices around doors and window frames.


-Seal containers tightly, especially compost and garbage bins.

How Serve Pest Control Can Help?

If you’re dealing with an ant infestation, Serve Pest Control is your local and trusted pest control provider. Serve Pest Control stands as a reliable ally in this endeavor. Our comprehensive pest control services are tailored to the unique challenges posed by Utah’s environment. From thorough inspections to targeted treatments, we ensure your business remains an ant-free zone.


So, the next time you spot those tiny foragers marching into your domain, remember that Serve Pest Control is just a call away, ready to serve and safeguard your business from the unseen culinary feast of ants. After all, in the intricate dance of nature, we’re here to keep your business in harmony.